Thursday, September 20, 2012

Name Art - Nixon

Some of you may remember this:
I did this a couple years ago for my friend's little boy.  She did his room the theme of little monster's.  She put this on his bedroom door.  Doesn't he have a cute name? 
So, Roscoe has a new brother now, named Nixon.  Mom did Nixon's room in the theme of robots, and asked me to do another fun sign.  Mom was patient, as I started it at the beginning of the summer, then put it aside and didn't touch it again until just recently.  Anyway, here is the final result:
Welcome to this world baby Nixon!


  1. Love the personal touch with his birthday!! Its awesome! Thanks again. :)

    1. You're welcome Christine! Sorry it took me so long. I noticed after the fact that it's not quite as colorful as Roscoe's. Sorry. Cute names you have for those boys though. And glad you like the birthdate in there. :)
